Andre Allen
Perimeter East
Çdo zyrë Keller Williams® është në pronësi dhe operim të pavarur
Detajet e mia
Veteran - United States United States Navy
Perimeter East
Rreth meje
As a REALTOR®, I am competing with thousands of agents for your business, which makes this industry a "contact sport." I am a firm believer of building my business through relationships, so it is my job to make every effort to remain in the forefront of your mind when it comes to real estate. When we establish a partnership in a selling or buying transaction, you will be confident knowing you are working with a professional. Also, when you refer a family member, friend or co-worker, you know you have placed them in the hands of quality service, with the highest standards, integrity and professionalism. What this means to you is results and meeting goals.
My Preferred Vendors
I've worked with exceptional businesses and service providers. If you need information or recommendations for lenders, contractors, remodelers, and more, please don't hesitate to reach out.
Vendosni emailin ose numrin tuaj të telefonit së bashku me një mesazh të shpejtë dhe ne do t'ju përgjigjemi sa më shpejt që të jetë e mundur.
Mesazhi u Dergua
Dicka shkoi keq. Ju lutemi provoni përsëri.
Të interesuar? Le te bisedojme!
Andre Allen
REALTOR® / Associate Broker
Numri i licencës: 173400